Dina's Recipe
Mousse al Limone

For those of you who haven’t yet visited Borgo di Vagli and for those who had the enjoyment of experiencing Dina’s mouth-watering casalinga cuisine in the Hamlet’s trattoria I’ cche c’é c’é, in each newsletter we continue to highlight one of Dina's popular recipes for you to try at home, this time we highlight her popular summer desert Mousse al Limone

Ingredients for 4 people:

- 2 Organic Lemons - medium size
- 2 egg whites
- 4 tablespoons of lemon jam
- 100 ml of fresh cream
- 8 mint leaves
- 1 pinch of salt
- 30 gr of sugar


1 Wash the lemons and cut them in two lenghtwise, you will have a total of 4 half lemons. Remove carefully the pulp from every half lemon so that you will obtain 4 cups to be filled with the mousse.
2 Add the salt to the egg white and beat until stiff, then slowly add sugar and continue beating the mixture.
3 Alowly add the lemon jam.
4 In a different bowl whip the cream until fluffy, then add the beaten-gg mixture carefully. Once the mixture is homogeneous pour it in the lemon-cups and decorate with mint leaves.


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